Hi, my name is Cathy Gonzalez and I am the Owner and Lead Trainer at Studio 30. After attending Boot Camp for about 6 years, my amazing trainers (Molli and Tony Rathstone) convinced me to try this training thing. They clearly saw something in me that I didn't even know existed at the time. I got certified and started my own business, Fitness Fun Boot Camp. I have been teaching boot camp classes now for almost 7 years and I can tell you I honestly love what I do! Helping people just like YOU to meet their health and fitness goals is an amazing experience for me.

About a year and a half ago I decided to add kettlebells to my repertoire and out of it came an awesome kettlebell blaster class. This class gave my clients another option in their fitness. The class grew by word of mouth so in August 2014 I opened Studio 30, so that I could offer it to many others.
Now we offer kettlebell classes 4 nights a week and will continue to add times and classes.
Staying close to my passion I also take on other projects within the community that benefit the health and wellness of others. I am a member of the Health and Wellness Committee for the Etiwanda School District, a Community Partner for the Healthy RC Steering Committee and just recently joined the team at the E3 Foundation.
As well, IEBC (Inland Empire Boot Camp) and I secured a grant from the City of RC to put together a program benefiting 4 -5 year old children. We call it the Little Tykes Workout Series. We will be offering 3 free events to teach our Little Ones health and wellness from an early age. You can read all about it and register to attend the next event by visiting our latest project RUParkFit.com.
Aside from running my business, teaching several classes a week, and volunteering I am a single Mom to 2 beautiful girls and a handsome Marine. I also stay active running various races throughout the year. This year I became a member of the Spartan Trifecta Tribe. Aroo!