What is it going to take to lose 1 Lb per week?

Nothing else seems to be working . . . so maybe it's time to really dial it in.
There are a few things you can do to get this process started. For FUN, let's just assume that you eat REALLY WELL, (I wish I had a dollar for every time someone said that exact phrase to me) but maybe you have a little cheat once in awhile.
Let's assume you eat really well but have a small cheat every day . . . sound more like it?
wine before, during, or after dinner
ice cream before bed
a handful of chips - here & there
chips & guac
soda (UGH!!)
Clearly this list could go on.
Now let's figure out how many calories you are adding to your weekly intake by eating or drinking that 1 Cheat.
A 5oz glass of wine after dinner yields 125 calories. Let's say you have more than 1 Monday through Thursday. Then maybe on Friday and Saturday night you have 2 or 3.
Do the math . . . it adds up over the week! You could be adding about 3000 extra calories for the week just in wine. There's no nutritional value in these 3000 calories. They are basically just wasted caloric intake.
Maybe you're Not a wine drinker, maybe it's Starbucks. A grande vanilla latte has, on average, 250 calories. Over the week those additional calories could equal 1,750 and UP. Again, wasted calories. (This does not include the amount of refined sugar.)
How about chips & guacamole? You could easily add up to 800 calories by eating this little cheat.
The Point is this . . . these high calorie items are DEFINITELY making a difference in your weight loss or not.
How about a TEST . . . pick just 1 of those cheats & eliminate it completely for 30 days, you will create a deficit in your intake & eventually start to see the scale change. (That is without adding in anything to replace it.)
Seem like a lot of work to figure out the calories?
Ask Me! Tell Me what your Cheat is and I will tell you how many calories you can save yourself each week. Not even sure how many calories you SHOULD be taking in, Contact me. I am HAPPY to help you.
Just a little Food For Thought!!