We are already half way through the first month of the year. How's your motivation . . . on target? Uh, not so much?
Either way, it's okay!
If you're on target . . . good for you! Keep it up. Keep pushing. Stay focused.
If you're "not so much" . . . you CAN fix it!
Either way, whichever category you fall into you NEED a GOAL. Something fun and attainable. Let me suggest a 5k (or something longer/ bigger if you already run!)
We are in January, find a Fun, Interesting looking 5k in March or April (if you need help, let me know) and register for it. Once you're committed find a friend (or 2) to do it with you. Having a training buddy is always a huge help and motivator.
Once you finish, it you will feel completely accomplished and will be looking for your next one, I promise!
I already have several things on my list (all paid for and scheduled) so there is no turning back. A few of us ran the San Onofre Run The Bluffs 12k last Saturday.
Here are the others:
Spartan Sprint January 29th
Ragnar April 7 & 8th
World Famous Mud Run June 6th
MCRD Bootcamp Challenge October 14th
There will be more as the year progresses. You are welcome to Join Me. In fact, I will update everyone via the Meet Up Site. Look up Fitness Fun Boot Camp Adventure Series and ask to Join.
If you need any help . . . . let me know!